Where can I go from here?

If you wish to go to another institution of higher education you can transfer your work from Missouri State University-West Plains to that institution. Exactly how that degree or course work transfers is up to the receiving institution. However, there are some general guidelines that usually apply to any transfer.

Remember, a transfer is somewhat like moving from one house to another. You can take all of your belongings, but some things may not be a perfect fit in the new house. Just as that home entertainment system that was custom built for your old house may not fit on the wall of your beautiful new home, some things may not be an exact fit at your new school.

That doesn't mean that you can't have a smooth transition. However, you need to plan ahead. Using a tape measure when shopping for a new home can help you accommodate favorite belongings. Likewise, a catalog of the school to which you wish to transfer can be a very useful tool in your change of schools.

To answer the question "Where can I go from here?" the answer is almost any institution. However, if you don't want the moving van to take the scenic route, you need to do some advance planning.

Ways to make the transition easier

  • Know the admission requirements of the receiving institution. While state institutions and many private institutions follow the Coordinating Board of Higher Education Guidelines, each institution has specific requirements that transfer students must meet.
  • Contact the transfer coordinator at the receiving institution. The earlier that this contact is made, the smoother the transition. Many schools encourage you to contact them as early as your first semester at Missouri State-West Plains. The receiving institution can assist you in planning your degree at Missouri State-West Plains so that you meet all degree requirements here as well as some of the degree requirements at its school.
  • Have a career in mind when you choose a major. Some majors require very specific courses that you must complete. Some careers have state agencies that award a license or certificate before you can practice that specific career. Such agencies require specific course work. Be aware of any specific requirements of your chosen major and plan your general education courses accordingly.
  • Typically, the specific requirements that native students must meet are the same ones that transfer students must also meet. This usually includes using the same catalog as native students if the transfer students maintain continuous enrollment. Specific programs, such as education and business, may have additional requirements. Checking periodically with the transfer advisor at the receiving institution will help you stay current with requirements.