Purchases must be approved prior to contracting or receiving items.
Steps to remember when purchasing items for University functions.
- All purchases must have Banner approval, using the Requisition or Purchase Order Form, before contracting or receiving item.
- Original invoice and/or packing slip must be signed and turned into the office of business services.
- Faxed copies of invoices are not acceptable documents for payment.
- The business name should be printed or written on any invoice, packing slip or receipt received.
- Companies requiring pre-payments must provide an order form showing the cost of the item or provide an invoice prior to payment being processed.
- When items are purchased from a local vendor the invoice must be signed by the University employee receiving the items. This is to verify that the items were purchased by University.
Remember when completing the Request for Purchase Form to include the following:
- Always include the department name, fund, organization, 5-digit account code and program. If unsure about these codes contact Christina Kerley at 417-255-7262.
- Give a complete description of the supplies or items needed.
- Have an estimated dollar amount for items. If unknown, call vendor for estimate.
- If the dollar amount is near or over $750.00 email to Aylssa Collins for bidding purposes. Indicate for Alyssa to order.
- If the company requires a Purchase Order Number be sure the form is flagged for Alyssa Collins for ordering. Indicate for Alyssa to assign a PO number and order.
- Include vendors or vendor names on all Purchase Orders. If using a Requisition vendor may be omitted if not known.
- When ordering computer supplies or software please obtain authorization from information technology services in order to expedite the process.
When do you complete the the Travel Expense Form?
When you purchase items needed for a University function with your own money compete the Purchase Order form to be reimbursed. Remember the University does not reimburse taxes on items purchased in this manner. If travel expenses are incurred and items are obtained for a University function complete the Travel Expense Form for reimbursement.
Need Money fast to pay that bill? Here's a way to speed up the process.
- Contact Barbie Mustion at 417-255-7261 in the office of business services.
This is to insure that the check can be scheduled in a regular check run and that a check signer is available to sign the check
- Complete the Purchase Order Form.
- Obtain proper authorization.
- Contact Barbie in the office of business services.
At that time notification will be given as to when the check may be ready. Please remember that the mail box located in the Looney Building doesn't constitute delivery to the office of business services.
Need a Cash Advance for travel expenses?
An Employee traveling on University business may obtain a cash advance for travel expenses only for:
1. Team travel meal money for student group trips; or
2. Out of the country trips when exchanging funds will be a problem.
Travel Expense Regulations.
A Travel Expense Report must be submitted for payment within 2 weeks from the date of travel.
Remember the following steps when completing the expense report.
- Personal meals during single-day trips are not reimbursable unless:
- Early departure is required (6:00 AM) breakfast is reimbursable.
- Late return occurred (7:00 PM) dinner is reimbursable.
- The meal is with University guest, consultants or candidates and University business is discussed.
- The meal is incurred as part of a seminar, conference or required meeting.
- Telephone calls cannot be reimbursed unless the business purpose and name of individual called are listed.
- Receipts must have business name printed or written on them and must have the list of individuals eating.
- An itemized, zero-balance due, lodging receipt is required in order to allow reimbursement
of lodging.
Room safe deposits are not allowed. Make sure to have the front desk remove them from you bill.
- Early departure or Late arrival box must be marked to qualify for meal reimbursement.
- Mark the "Ret." box for one-day round-trip travel. Miles recorded should be the total traveled for that day.
- When submitting receipts for several days travel place the receipts in chronological order and tape or staple each days receipts on a separate sheet of paper for easy reference.
- University employees will not be reimbursed for travel expense incurred by another
Individual lodging expenses should be submitted for each employee.
For more detailed information see the full Travel Regulations from the Missouri State University-Springfield campus.