
Rollerblading/Skateboarding Policy

Skateboarding is not allowed on campus. In-line skating, roller skating and cycling are allowed on campus; however, the following activities are prohibited: acrobatics (e.g., jumping on or over steps, benches, walls, rails, bike racks, etc.); excessive speed; blocking pedestrian paths (e.g., sidewalks, ramps, doors, etc.); entering buildings while wearing in-line skates or roller skates; and any activity which reasonably presents a risk of injury to persons or damage to property. Participants who do not comply with the policy will receive a warning for the first offense. Repeat offenders will be subject to University disciplinary action and/or prosecution under city/state law. Furthermore, any participant who is involved in an accident on University property may be held liable for causing physical injury or property damage.

Emergency Notifications and Timely Warnings

Policy Statement

Emergency notifications will be issued in response to a significant emergency or a dangerous situation, either on campus or, in some cases, off campus that, in the judgment of the University, constitute an immediate, imminent, or impending threat to the health or safety of members of the University community.

Timely warnings will be issued in response to reported crimes committed either on campus or, in some cases, off campus that, in the judgment of the University, constitute a serious or continuing threat to members of the University community.

Reason or Purpose for Policy

In compliance with the Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA) of 2008, and the Jeanne Clery Act, 20 U.S.C. 1092(f), the purpose of this policy is to set forth the procedures by which the University will provide emergency notification or timely warning to the University community in the event that a significant emergency or dangerous situation is reported that poses an immediate, imminent, or impending threat to members of the University community; or a crime or incident is reported that poses a threat to members of the University community.

Procedure for Issuing Emergency Notifications

  1. Anyone with information believed to warrant an emergency notification should promptly report the circumstances to MSU Dispatch: 417-836-5509 or by email at CampusSafety@MissouriState.edu. (If the Associate Vice-Chancellor for Business & Support Services is unavailable, the information should be reported to the Chancellor: 417-255-7900 (office) or WPChancellor@MissouriState.edu.) Emergency notifications are considered for the following types of incidents: severe weather, hazardous chemical or hazardous material spills, violent intruder, significant outbreak of illness, flood, fire, earthquake, gas leak, bomb threat, terrorist incident, explosion, or any other circumstance that may constitute an immediate threat to the University community.
  2. MSU Dispatch will confer with the Associate Vice Chancellor for Business & Support Services and decide whether an emergency notification will be issued.
  3. The decision to issue an emergency notification will be made on a case-by-case basis after consideration of the available facts, including factors such as the nature of the emergency and the continuing danger or risk to the campus community.
  4. Every attempt will be made to issue the notification as soon as possible after the incident is reported to the Associate Vice Chancellor for Business & Support Services; however, the release is subject to the availability of accurate facts concerning the incident.
  5. If the determination is made that an emergency notification will be issued, the Associate Vice Chancellor for Business & Support Services will confer with the appropriate public and University officials and make a determination of who needs to be notified, and what the content of the notification should be. This determination will be made giving consideration to what members of the community may be endangered by the emergency, who else may be affected by it, and what information is appropriate to communicate to them.
  6. Once the message is prepared, the Associate Vice Chancellor for Business & Support Services, working cooperatively with other appropriate members of the campus community, will, without delay, initiate the notification system. The notification may be distributed in one or more of the following methods:
    • University webpages;
    • Email;
    • Missouri State Alert system;
    • Posting within the Grizzly Lofts, Champion Hall and other locations deemed appropriate;
    • Door–to-door notification in the Grizzly Lofts;
    • Contacting the local media for immediate distribution; and/or
    • Other means appropriate under the circumstances.

    The content of an emergency notification should include the following information if appropriate:

    • A statement as to what the emergency or dangerous situation is, in specific terms;
    • A statement providing direction as to what actions the receiver of the message should take to ensure their own safety; and
    • A statement as to where or when additional information may be obtained.
  7. Testing of the Emergency Notification System should be done at least once annually. Different components will be tested on an individual basis to ensure the capability to use that specific communication method in an emergency. The tests should be planned and performed by the Associate Vice Chancellor for Business & Support Services, working cooperatively with other appropriate members of the campus community. These tests should be announced or unannounced. Each test should be documented to include a description of the exercise, the date of the test, the start and end times of the test, and whether the test was announced or unannounced.

Procedure for Issuing Timely Warnings

  1. Anyone with information believed to warrant an emergency notification should promptly report the circumstances to MSU Dispatch: 417-836-5509 or by email at CampusSafety@MissouriState.edu.
  2. MSU Dispatch will confer with the Associate Vice Chancellor for Business & Support Services and decide whether a timely warning will be issued.
  3. The decision to issue a timely warning will be made on a case-by-case basis after consideration of the available facts, including factors such as the nature of the crime, the continuing danger or risk to the campus community, and the possible risk of compromising law enforcement efforts. Timely warnings are considered for the following classifications of reported crimes: criminal homicide, sex offenses, robbery, aggravated assault, hate crimes, burglary, motor vehicle theft, and arson, as outlined in 34 CFR 668.46. Timely warnings may also be issued for other reported crimes as deemed appropriate under the circumstances. The decision will be made in compliance with the Clery Act and in an effort to prevent similar crimes from occurring.
  4. Every attempt will be made to issue the warning as soon as possible after the incident is reported to the Associate Vice Chancellor for Business & Support Services; however, the release is subject to the availability of accurate facts concerning the incident.
  5. If the determination is made that a timely warning will be issued, the Associate Vice Chancellor for Business & Support Services will work with the department of University communications to inform the University community by one or more of the following means, depending on the circumstances of the situation:
    • University webpages;
    • email;
    • Missouri State Alert system;
    • Posting within the Grizzly Lofts, Putnam Hall, and other locations deemed appropriate;
    • Door–to-door notification in the Grizzly Lofts;
    • Contacting the local media for immediate distribution; and/or
    • Other means appropriate under the circumstances.
  6. The timely warning notice will not only contain the circumstances regarding the crime or incident, but it will also contain additional information to help promote safety and, where appropriate, the means to avoid similar crimes. Timely warning notices will typically include the following information, if known:
    • A succinct statement of the incident, including the nature and severity of the threat and locations or persons who might be affected;
    • Any connection to previous incidents;
    • Physical description of suspect and/or vehicle;
    • Date and time the warning was released;
    • Other relevant and important information, such as any bias, motive, the gender of the victim, and/or student/non-student status; and/or
    • Appropriate safety tips.
  7. In the event there is information sufficient to warrant a consultation with the above-referenced administrators, but a determination is made not to issue a timely warning notice, the Associate Vice-Chancellor for Business & Support Services will document the reasons for not issuing the notice. This information will be maintained on file in accordance with the University’s record retention policy.

Entities affected by this policy: All entities and members of the University community.

Line of Authority

Responsible administrator and office: Associate Vice Chancellor for Business & Support Services
Contact person in that office: Crockett Oaks
Contact Information: 417-255-7258 or CrockettOaks@MissouriState.edu

Revision to existing policy/procedure

Original policy adopted and approved by the Chancellor, Missouri State University-West Plains, on October 11, 2010.

Revised policy adopted and approved by the Chancellor, Missouri State University-West Plains, on October 4, 2011 and September 16, 2014.