Chapter Four: Research Policies
- Op4.02 Sponsored Research
- Op4.02-1 Conflict of Interest in Research Policy
- Op4.02-3 Indirect Cost Distribution
- Op4.02-4 Extra Compensation for Externally Sponsored Projects Policy
- Op4.02-5 Grants and Contracts Policies
- Op4.02-5.1 Introduction and Organization of Grants and Contracts Policies
- Op4.02-5.2 General Proposal Guidelines
- Op4.02-5.3 Proposal Preparation
- Op4.02-5.4 Proposal Review and Submission
- Op4.02-5.5 General Administration of Sponsored Projects
- Op4.02-5.6 Responsibility for Sponsored Projects
- Op4.02-5.7 Action Upon Receipt of Award
- Op4.02-5.8 Communications with Sponsor Agencies on Financial Matters
- Op4.02-5.9 Expenditure Guidelines
- Op4.02-5.10 Cost Sharing or Matching
- Op4.02-5.11 Audit Matters and Reports
- Op4.02-5.12 Equipment Management
- Op4.02-5.13 Certification of Effort Reporting
- Op4.02-5.14 Compliance with the Federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)
- Op4.02-5.15 Program Income
- Op4.02-5.16 Facilities and Administrative Costs/Overhead Receipts Allocation
- Op4.02-5.17 Time Limited Appointments
- Op4.02-5.18 Guidelines & Procedures for Monitoring Sub-Recipients
- Op4.02-5.19 Fixed Price Contracts
- Op4.02-5.20 Appendix 1 - Internal Approval Form
- Op4.02-6 Institutional Base Salary (IBS) for Externally Funded Projects
- Op4.02-26 Personnel Compensation
- Op4.02-27 Procedure for Payment of Student Fees
- Op4.02-30 Use of Computers
- Op4.02-31 Use/Modification of University Space