Course Title: Electronic Health Records Specialist - Self Study
Location: Online – National HealthCareers Association in collaboration with Missouri State University-West Plains
Price: $500
Audience: This class is for those students CURRENTLY working as a electronic health records specialist (EHRS) in a physician’s office/clinic/urgent care/hospital setting. This class does not have a clinical component or classroom instruction.
- Must be at least 18 years of age
- Have a high school diploma (or equivalent)
- Must have completed an electronic health records specialist training or education program within the last 5 years OR have 1 year of supervised work experience in an electronic health records specialist field within the last 3 years or 2 years of supervised work experience in an electronic health records specialist field within the last 5 years.
- Proof of completion of electronic health records specialist program OR a letter of recommendation from current employer with dates of employment.
Course Information:
- This is a self-paced online course
- The student will be able to take up to six (6) practice exams prior to taking the national certification through the National Healthcare Association (NHA)
- MSU-WP will be the dedicated testing site for this exam and exam dates will be listed on the NHA website
- Students will register for the exam via the NHA website. The course cost includes one attempt at the national certification
Main Topics:
- The security, completeness and accuracy of patient data is critical. The Electronic
Health Records Specialist Certification (CEHRS) is often combined with other NHA credentials
to expand an employee's skill set, making them a valuable asset to their employers.
Some common responsibilites tied to electronic health records include:
- Auditing patient records for compliance
- Abstracting clinical information for reports
- Performing basic coding to submit reimbursement claims
- Processing Release of Information (ROI) requests for medical records
- Reviewing patient demographic and insurance information
- Discussing patient information with physicians and insurance professionals
*Students can register at any time.
Call 417-255-7786 for additional information or 417-255-7788 to register.