Student Advising and Registration (STAR) Orientation

STAR Orientation sessions will be offered in two formats for students admitted for Summer/Fall 2025 or Spring 2026 terms.

Scheduled STAR Orientation dates include sessions offered on-campus.

Students have an alternative option to sign up for an online version of STAR Orientation, which consists of a series of video modules via the university’s Brightspace learning management system.

Contact the Office of Advising and Academic Support at 417-255-7222 to reserve your spot in an on-campus or online STAR Orientation session or sign up online for a STAR Orientation.

STAR Orientation Sign-Up

Sign up for STAR OrientationMissouri State University-West Plains is happy you have chosen to continue your education at our campus. As your first step toward college success, you must attend one of the STudent Advising and Registration (STAR) Orientations. The program is designed to assist you in the transition to college life.

Orientation Programs

First-time freshmen or transfer students with less than 10 credit hours (completed after high school) must register for and complete one of these types of STAR orientations:

  • On-campus sessions, which will be offered on several dates for summer/fall or spring admission terms. (see list of dates below)
  • Online sessions via the university’s Brightspace learning management system.

Contact the Office of Advising and Academic at 417-255-7222 to reserve your spot in an on-campus or online STAR Orientation session or sign up online for a STAR Orientation.

Upcoming STAR Dates

Summer/Fall 2025 admission:

Wednesday, May 21, 2025, 10:00 a.m. – on-campus

Friday, August 1, 2025, 10:00 a.m. – on-campus

Friday, August 8, 2025, 10:00 a.m. – on-campus

Wednesday, August 13, 2025, 10:00 a.m. – on-campus

Spring 2026 admission:

Wednesday, January 7, 2026, 10:00 a.m. – on-campus

Before attending one of the STAR Orientations, the following items must be completed:

  • Admission to Missouri State University-West Plains
  • ACT or SAT score on file or
  • Have Accuplacer reading and math scores on file or take the Accuplacer placement exam.
    (Test scores must be current (less than 5 years old). The ACT and Accuplacer (math & reading) exams are available through the Testing Center. Please contact the Testing Center at 417-255-7943 for testing needs.)

STAR Orientations are designed to provide students with an introduction to the university and its services, policies and procedures, and to assist students in registering for their first semester.

University administrators and staff members will present information about the campus and explain important topics including, but not limited to:

  • financial aid
  • student life and housing
  • tutoring and other support services
  • professional services
  • academic programs
  • degree planning

For more information about STAR Orientation sessions and how to register for an orientation session, contact Advising and Academic Support at 417-255-7222, email: or complete the online form on the Advising and Academic Support web site.

To register for classes:

Students will need to meet with an academic advisor to register for classes. Advising and Academic Support and faculty academic advisors will contact students to schedule either a phone, Zoom, or on-campus advising and registration appointment. The appointment may be prior to, on or after the date the student has completed STAR Orientation. Students may also contact Advising and Academic Support at 417-255-7222 or email to schedule an advising and registration appointment.

Cindy Bridges
Missouri State University-West Plains
Office of Advising and Academic Support
128 Garfield West Plains, MO 65775