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Interscholastic Contest

April 11, 2025
Rules and Contest Descriptions


  1. All entries must be made via the official entry link available online sent through the invitation email. All entries must be electronically submitted by 5 p.m., Friday, March 21, 2025
  2. Schools may enter two (2) students per scholastic contest.
  3. A student may participate in only two (2) scholastic contests.
  4. The name of each student is required for each contest.
    Changes after March 21, 2025, can only be made at the ISC Welcome and Registration Desk in Lybyer on the morning of April 11, 2025.

Entry Fee: No entry fee.


  1. All contestants should have sophomore or higher class standing.
  2. Contestants shall not have reached their 20th birthday by the contest date.
  3. Contestants who have previously won a first-place award in the MSU-West Plains Interscholastic Contest shall be ineligible to compete in the same test in future years. Winners of a contest may, however, compete in other scholastic tests.
  4. Contestants shall be classified by their high school to be at least half-time students.

Division Scoring and Awards

  1. Three places will be scored in each scholastic contest area. Divisions will be scored separately even though all contestants from each division will take subject area scholastic tests at the same time.
    Scoring will be:
    • First – 3 points
    • Second – 2 points
    • Third – 1 point
  2. Individual award medals will be awarded to the top three finishers in each scholastic contest in Division I, Division II and Division III. The one exception is public speaking, poetry, and flash fiction, which will be awarded overall from all the divisions.
  3. Divisions will be assigned according to school size and number of schools enrolled in the event.

Grand Champion Trophy Award

The Grand Champion Trophy shall be awarded to the school that accumulates the highest number of points irrespective of school division and may be won by a Division I, II or III school. The top three (3) scores in each academic area will accumulate team points for their high school.*

Note: Competition for the Overall Trophy is open to all divisions. It would be possible, then, for second or third place finishers in one division to accumulate points for their school if their total score was higher than the first place finisher's score in another division. For instance, if Schoo1l A wins its division, School B takes second, and School C third, School B, might have more overall winners and could ultimately win the Overall Trophy over Schools A and C because another school(s) in another division(s) also had overall winner(s).

Awards Ceremony

The awards ceremony will be held in the West Plains Civic Center from 1:30-2:30 p.m. Any changes will be announced prior to the event.


Medals are awarded to all first, second and third place finishers in each subject area in each division AND for first, second and third place finishers in the overall results.
Four trophies will be awarded:

  1. Division I winner
  2. Division II winner
  3. Division III winner
  4. Grand Champion Trophy

Contestant Registration and Information

The contest entry material link will be provided online through the invitation email. The ISC Registration table will be in the outside area of Hass-Darr Hall on Missouri Street between 8:30-9:15 a.m. All school sponsors should report to the registration table for check-in, whether or not revisions in the school's slate of contestants are needed. Contest schedule and test rooms will be provided at the registration table.


At the beginning of the test, the students will be provided with a card with their login information to access the exams. This card will be returned to the proctor as evidence of submission. This year, most of the contests are computerized using campus computers and will be proctored. The only exceptions are poetry, flash fiction, math, and public speaking, which will be scored on paper. In the case of a tied score, the tie breaker questions will be ranked based on earliest time of submission. Questions determining ratings of students should be directed to Ana Estrella, the Interscholastic Contest Coordinator.

Test Descriptions and Time/Location

Subject Areas
(Note: The following are grouped according to time schedules.)

9:30 - 10:15 a.m. Session


The Agriculture exam will include the following general agriculture subject areas: animal science, agronomy, forestry, nutrition, dairy and meats, genetics and reproduction, agricultural management, agricultural mechanics and electricity, and agricultural economics. The exam will consist of multiple choice and true/false questions. Students may bring their own non-graphing calculator; however, the sharing of calculators is not permitted, nor is using the computer’s calculator.


Problems will be multiple-choice and include simplifying algebraic expressions as well as solving algebraic equations/systems of all types. Some problems may be application problems. Scratch paper will be provided. No calculators are allowed for this test.


The English test will focus on the basic elements of composition: grammar, punctuation, mechanics, and sentence clarity.

European History

This exam covers the period of European History from 1700 to the present. It incorporates social, political, and economic topics.

Health Occupations

The Health Occupations exam will include the following subject areas in a multiple-choice test format: math, medical terminology, anatomy, nutrition, and skills for a nursing assistant including CPR, communication and skills for a nursing assistant.


The poetry contest will require students to produce a short poem in response to a prompt (a photo or painting) provided on the day of the contest. This poem must be the original work of the student. It can be any form, but it cannot exceed twenty lines.
Since there are so many forms and styles of poetry, and so many measures of poetry, a grading rubric cannot be provided. The best measure of a poem is how well it accomplishes what it attempts to accomplish. Students will be provided paper and pencils, but they are encouraged to bring their favorite writing pen or pencil.
The overall first, second, and third places will be awarded.


This exam will consist of questions from the fields of Psychology and Sociology, as would have been discussed in a high school level psychology/sociology class.

Public Speaking

Round I: 9:30-10:15
Round II 10:25-11:05 depending on the number of entrants.

The entrant should deliver an informative speech, 3-5 minutes in length, incorporating a visual aid or some form of electronic presentation support. Each speaker will be judged on speech content and delivery skills. Hints: Speech introduction gets attention, relates the material to the audience, establishes the credibility of the speaker, reveals the subject and previews the content of the speech. The body of the speech should have two to more main points that are easy to identify, is well organized, developed and supported with cited evidence. The conclusion should restate the main points and have a memorable closing statement. Visual aids can be charts, diagrams or objects. Rooms are equipped with computers and large screen televisions or projectors. Contestants with electronic presentations (e.g. PowerPoint, Google Slides…) should bring them on a flash drive to run them directly if possible. If contestants are running them from the cloud, they should come early to establish their link and connect before competition begins. (We should not have to sit and wait on contestants to get their presentation up.) All speakers are encouraged to come early and load and test their presentation before speaking begins. Timekeepers will be provided when possible.
Please note: There is not a final round to this competition. Results will be tabulated on rank and rating of all speakers. The overall first, second, and third places will be awarded.

10:25-11:05 a.m. Session

American History

This exam covers the period of American History from the pre-Columbian era to the present. It incorporates social, political, and economic topics.

Biological Sciences

The test in Biological Sciences will consist of questions about topics normally encountered in a comprehensive general biology course, namely cell biology, genetics, ecology, systematics, anatomy, physiology, evolution, development, reproduction and behavior.

Bookkeeping and Accounting

This exam includes comprehensive coverage of high school bookkeeping and accounting. Topics will be as follows: journalizing, posting, trial balance, the bookkeeping cycle, financial statements, adjusting entries, closing entries, and related terminology. Students should be enrolled in or have completed Bookkeeping I.

Flash Fiction

The flash fiction contest will require students to produce a very short story in response to a prompt (a photo or painting) provided on the day of the contest. This story must be original, suggest an engaging theme, be told in the writer’s unique voice, and exhibit expressive language.
It should also be organized and provide exposition, rising action, climax, and some falling action or resolution.
The writer should also demonstrate knowledge and creative use of punctuation, grammar, sentence structure, and word choice.
Students will be provided paper and pencils, but they are encouraged to bring their favorite writing pen or pencil.
The overall first, second, and third places will be awarded.


Problems are drawn from geometry including trigonometry. Exact answers are required. Some problems are application problems. The problems are not multiple choice; scrap paper will be provided. Non-graphing calculators may be used on the test. Sharing calculators between participants is not permitted.


The literature test will focus on works from both American and British literature. Students who have read widely from these two areas will likely be most successful.

Medical Terminology

Medical terminology is the accepted language of healthcare used to describe the human body, its functions, and procedures. It is a universal language that allows healthcare professionals to communicate effectively. Medical terms are made up of word parts; prefixes, word roots with combining vowels, and suffixes. Learning medical terminology allows you to understand the meaning of medical terms by breaking them down into their word parts.

Philosophy and Religious Studies

The test in Philosophy and Religious Studies will consist of questions about topics normally encountered in introductory courses in Philosophy, World Religions, and Ethics, namely moral frameworks, metaphysics, epistemology, notable philosophers, and cultures, histories, and traditions of major Eastern and Abrahamic religions.

Physical Science

The exam will cover concepts and calculations relating to physics and chemistry. A periodic table will be provided. Students may bring their own non-graphing calculator; however, the sharing of calculators is not permitted, nor is using the computer’s calculator.

Public Speaking 10:25 - 11:05 a.m. (Second Session)

Depending on the number of participants. See 9:30 section description.

11:15-12:00 p.m. Session

American Government

This exam may include a combination of short answer questions and/or essay questions, and/or multiple-choice questions drawn from the following topics: The period dating from the Declaration of Independence through the Grand Convention of 1787; the executive branch including the current role of the media and interest groups; the role of the legislative branch including the current tension between the legislative and executive branches over the exercise of Constitutional powers, such as war; the judicial branch including landmark decisions effecting judicial jurisdiction such as Bush v. Gore; the current growth and function of the bureaucracy in U.S. Government; taxing and budgeting, including the current debate in government over the utility of Supply Side and Keynesian economic policy; the changing role of the U.S. in the world, including the impact of the events of September 11, 2001; the effects of globalism on the U.S. and other foreign policy issues; the changing relationship between the federal government and the states and its impact on Missouri government.

Computer Technology

The test will ask questions from the following areas: computer concepts, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Access, OLE using Word/Excel/Access, Internet, HTML, and computer programming concepts.


The Geography test is composed of questions pertaining to various realms and regions of the developed world and underdeveloped world. The test questions address information about human geography, physical geography and place locations around the world.

Human Anatomy and Physiology

This test focuses on introductory concepts learned in Human Biology and/or Anatomy & Physiology courses. Questions will include cellular biology, biochemistry, histology, human anatomy, human physiology, epidemiology, and pathophysiology.

Music Fundamentals and History

The Interscholastic Music Fundamentals and History Competition explores a wide range of topics, covering both the core principles of music and its historical development from the Middle Ages to the Twentieth Century.
The Music History section focuses on recognizing key musical periods, notable composers and their defining works, and the stylistic characteristics of each era. Additionally, it examines the cultural, economic, and religious influences that shaped musical evolution throughout history.
The Fundamentals of Music section delves into the technical aspects of music theory and composition. This portion includes general music terminology and may cover topics such as notation, rhythm, chord progressions, harmony, scales and modes, articulations, instrument pedagogy and history, technological advancements in music creation, professional organizations, and music publication.

Pop Culture

The Pop-Culture competition will consist of questions regarding pop-cultural events, artifacts, and phenomena that have had an impact on the “shape” of culture in the 20th and 21st centuries. The exam will represent several areas of culture including entertainment, technology, and global events.
Please note, the academic study of pop-culture is not akin to trivia; rather, the academic study of popular culture, also known as popular culture studies, is a critical theory-based field that combines cultural and communication studies. It examines a wide range of media and genres that appeal to a broad audience, including: music, literature, film, art, television, video games, fashion, comics and graphic novels, and more. The academic study of pop-culture is more invested in elements of popular culture that have had an impact on socioeconomics, the political landscape, sociological relations, philosophical changes, and, in general, the “human story”.


Problems will be multiple-choice and include circular and triangular trigonometry and applications. Topics will include solving trigonometric equations, using identities, interpreting graphs and analyzing vectors. Scratch paper will be provided. Scientific calculators are allowed for this test.

Schedule of the Event and Other Information

Schedule Event Location
8:00 - 9:15 a.m. Registration Hass-Darr outside
9:30 - 10:15 a.m. First Test Session Multiple
10:25 - 11:05 a.m. Second Test Session Multiple
11:15 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Third Test Session Multiple
12:00 - 1:30 p.m. Lunch Civic Center
1 :30- 2:30 p.m. Awards Civic Center

Hospitality Room

The hospitality room for sponsors, bus drivers, and participating MSU-WP faculty and staff will be at Hass-Darr Hall. Room number will be provided later.