Missouri State University-West Plains is committed to making all of our information technology accessible to all people regardless of disability. Pursuant to both federal and state laws, the University makes continuous efforts to comply with the Missouri Assistive Technology's Information Communication Technology (ICT) Accessibility.
If you have questions or experience problems accessing information technology at Missouri State University-West Plains please contact us:
Office for Institutional Compliance
Provides an Equal Opportunity Employer and Institution complaint process for the University and provides accommodations for staff and faculty.
On the West Plains campus contact: AlyssaCollins@MissouriState.edu
Disability Resource Center
Provides accommodations to current students and advice to prospective students.
On the West Plains campus contact: PTate@MissouriState.edu
Web access compliance
University Communications coordinates Missouri State-West Plains' efforts towards making all official webpages accessible.
Contact: KrisBrinkerhoff@MissouriState.edu