Bomb Threat Procedures
In the event of a bomb threat, the West Plains Police and Fire Departments will be
called immediately. The University will prosecute to the fullest extent possible under
law any persons placing any threat to students, faculty, staff, and campus facilities.
If a bomb threat is received:
- Be calm. Do not panic.
- Note the exact time.
- Write down as accurately as possible the statements made.
- Listen to the voice to determine the sex, age, accents, lisps, etc. (Note any distinguishing
- Listen for background noises.
- Attempt to question the caller.
- Employees should immediately notify a supervisor. Students should immediately notify
the office of the chancellor, the office of student services or the office of academic
- Complete a Bomb Threat Form (Appendix One) available from the office of the chancellor, the office of student services or the
office of academic affairs.
Earthquake Procedures
Drop, cover, and hold on! Move only a few steps to a nearby safe place (e.g., under a sturdy table or desk).
Most injured persons in earthquakes move more than five feet during the shaking. It
is very dangerous to try to leave a building during an earthquake because objects
can fall on you. Many fatalities occur when people run outside of buildings, only
to be injured by falling debris from collapsing walls. In U.S. buildings, you are
safer to stay where you are. After the shaking has stopped, if you go outside, move
quickly away from the building to prevent injury from falling debris.
Additional information regarding safety procedures in the event of an earthquake may
be found at the following websites:
Federal Emergency Management Agency
American Red Cross
Should it become necessary to evacuate a building, the decision to evacuate will be
made by the following individuals in the priority indicated:
Academic Buildings
- Associate Vice Chancellor for Business & Support Services
- Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs
- Officials of West Plains Police or Fire Departments
Grizzly Lofts
- Director of student life and development
- Vice Chancellor of Student Services
- Officials of West Plains Police or Fire Departments
Grizzly Bite
- Director of student life and development
- Vice Chancellor of Student Services or Associate Vice Chancellor for Business & Support
- Officials of West Plains Police or Fire Departments
During evening hours, the decision to evacuate will be made by University officials
who may be in the buildings or officials of the West Plains Police or Fire Departments.
Fire Procedures
Students, faculty, and staff are urged to give special consideration to possible exit
routes in case of a fire. When a fire occurs or a fire drill is held, utilize the
closest exit and do not use elevators. In the event of a fire, activate the nearest
fire alarm, if available, and call 911 for emergency response. Consult the Emergency
Procedures posted in each campus facility for specific instructions.
Incidents and Accidents
Members of the University community needing to report an incident or accident on campus
can do so by contacting the Associate Vice Chancellor for Business & Support Services.
Persons reporting incidents and accidents will be asked to file a University Incident
Mail Procedures
Campus Safety has compiled a set of recommended mail procedures from recommendations
of the United States Postal Service and the Missouri Highway Patrol. These procedures
are located on the web at: Mail Procedures (Appendix Two).
Medical Emergencies
If a medical emergency should arise on campus, contact a member of the faculty or
staff immediately. The University employee will assess the situation and take the
appropriate action. If warranted, an ambulance and a trained paramedic will be summoned
to provide on-site care and/or transport the individual to the appropriate medical
Sexual Offenses Procedures
A person who is the survivor of a sexual offense at Missouri State University-West
Plains and lives on campus, should contact the Vice Chancellor of Student Services.
It is not required to reveal the name of the assailant and the victim's name will
not be released to the police or the press. The Vice Chancellor of Student Services
will provide information about counseling, medical assistance, reporting to the police
and University discipline procedures. The Vice Chancellor of Student Services will
also be able to answer your questions and provide assistance.
Victims who live off campus should call the West Plains Police Department (417) 256-2244
or 911. It is not required to reveal either your name or the name of the assailant
and the victim's name should not be released to the press. The victim will receive
information about counseling and medical assistance.
All sexual offenses should be reported to the director of student life and development,
whether the victim lives on campus or off campus.
For more information about what constitutes a sexual offense or sexual harassment,
what definitions are used in describing sexual offense and harassment, and the minimum
sanctions that could be leveled against one who commits a sexual offense or harassment,
see the Student Right-to-Know information found at the following Internet address:
Tornado Procedures
When outdoor tornado sirens are sounded, persons who are outdoors should proceed to
the nearest sturdy building and take shelter. Persons who are indoors should heed
the specific procedures posted in each room in each campus facility. (Warning to the
buildings will be coming from either a weather radio or a University employee who
is aware of the weather situation.) If possible, persons should tune to the emergency
alert system broadcast on radio or television and follow the directions provided.
Campus Safety in consultation with the West Plains Director of Emergency Management
Services, has compiled tornado warning emergency procedures (Appendix Three) for the entire campus.