Frequently Asked Questions About Student Records

Where do I get a copy of my Missouri State University-West Plains transcript?

The office of registration and records, (417) 255-7979, in Cass Hall.

How much does a transcript cost?

Transcripts fees range from $7.50 to $10.00.  Additional charges will be applied for overnight delivery methods.  International transcripts sent overnight will be charged a minimum of $47.50.

Where do I go to get verification that I'm a full-time student?

The office of registration and records, (417) 255-7979, in Cass Hall routinely completes "enrollment verification" forms for insurance and other purposes.

When will I graduate?

As soon as you complete the prescribed course of study you have chosen and file to graduate in the office of registration and records, (417) 255-7979, in Cass Hall.