Frequently Asked Questions About Financial Aid
How do I get financial aid?
Apply for most forms of government-sponsored financial aid through the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). The Missouri State University-West Plains Scholarships and Financial Aid Handbook
available in the office of financial aid, (417) 255-7243, in Cass Hall explains the FAFSA, scholarship application and other forms of aid.
Because application for financial aid is reasonably complicated, students are encouraged
to begin the process early and provide all requested documentation as quickly as possible.
The Higher Education Resource Center is located in the office of financial aid, (417) 255-7243, in Cass Hall.
When and where do I pick up my financial aid?
Refund amounts will be direct deposited if banking information is in the system. The
form for direct deposit is available in the business office, (417) 255-7260, in Cass Hall. If not, a check will be mailed from the Missouri State University-Springfield
campus. It is very important that students keep their address information current
for this purpose.
I need to get my financial aid, but it isn't ready yet. What do I do?
Visit with the office of financial aid, ((417) 255-7243, in Cass Hall about the possibility of a short-term loan.
What will happen to my financial aid if I drop a class?
Depending on the drop date and the financial aid program, changes in credit hours
could affect a your financial aid. If you receive a scholarship, grant or loan from
the University, any refund resulting from dropping a class is used to repay the scholarship,
grant or loan. A refund is made to the you only if the refund exceeds the amount of
the award from the University. For students who are recipients of Federal Title IV
student aid, refunds will be made in accordance with all applicable federal regulations.
Before dropping a class, therefore, check with the office of financial aid, (417) 255-7243
How does the Missouri A+ program work?
Qualified high school graduates may receive funding from the State of Missouri to
pay for tuition and fees at eligible two-year institutions of post-secondary education
in Missouri. Personnel in the Missouri State University-West Plains office of financial
aid, (417) 255-7243, in Cass Hall can answer questions about the Missouri A+ program.
I gave all of my financial aid information on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Why do I have to have my income data verified?
The federal government verifies (audits) many applications each year for accuracy.
Additionally, some special circumstances may prompt the office of financial aid to
ask for more information in order to properly process an application.
I live on my own. My parents say they can't help me with school expenses. So why do
my parents have to supply information?
The federal government has very specific rules for determining whether or not a student
is dependent upon his or her parents for college assistance purposes. Completing the
Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) accurately will allow government officials to make the appropriate determination.
What's the difference between a grant, a loan and a scholarship?
A grant is received and does not need to be paid back. A loan must be paid back. A
scholarship is usually a gift awarded due to academic excellence or some other qualification
and is not paid back unless it is misused.
How do I accept a loan, a grant or a scholarship?
You accept a loan, a grant or scholarship by notifying the appropriate person or agency.