Pets Policy

Pets under the control of an adult (i.e., 18 years or older) are permitted on University property, but are not permitted within University-owned or -leased buildings. Exceptions: Single family dwellings (e.g., residence for the Coordinator of Student Life and Development, Chancellor’s residence, etc.); animals trained to assist persons with disabilities; animals used in University laboratories for official research, classroom or observation purposes; and fish in residence halls.

Animals (e.g., dogs, cats, monkeys, etc.) must be leashed to be under the control of an adult. Exception: Animals trained to provide ADA accommodations for people with disabilities. A loose animal trailing a leash, or one tied to a fixed object, is not under the control of an adult. Animals which are unleashed, or leashed and unattended, on University property, are subject to impoundment. Animals left unattended in motor vehicles on University property are subject to the same rules and regulations if they become a nuisance or if the welfare of the animal is threatened.

Any pet found within a University-owned or -leased building may be impounded. Impounded pets may be reclaimed by the owner at the Animal Control Department (417-255-1860) upon payment in full of all costs incurred as a result of the impoundment, including any veterinary expenses.