Frequently Asked Questions

What are the costs to be a part of ASCEND?

A fee of $3,000 is required to participate in the program each semester. The fee is put in place to ensure the needed materials and program team members are available. When students have demonstrated success at MSU-WP and less support and skill building is needed, they move from ASCEND to ASCEND-M (maintenance), which is $1,500 per semester. The fee will be assessed to your student account.

Is this program only for incoming freshman students?

No, this program is not just for freshmen. Students with Autism who are already attending MSU-WP may apply to the program. Students who are transferring into MSU-WP may also apply to join the program.

I want to live off campus. May I still be a member of this program?

Yes, you may live off campus. However, we recommend living on campus due to the supports being much more enhanced and available if you are on campus.

I had transitional supports in high school that made me feel like a child. How will ASCEND ensure that I will be supported as an adult?

This program is completely designed for the adult learner at the post-secondary level. The skills you will be working on are designed around the adult lifestyle and what is needed to encourage success at MSU-WP.