Key Performance Indicators

Key Performance Indicators for the 2022-2027 Long-Range Plan

Certain areas of the goals established by the 2022-2027 Long-Range Plan are so closely tied to the University's mission that they merit particular attention, and the University must be held accountable to achieving those goals. Accordingly, measurable goals have emerged from the University's planning process. These measurable goals will guide the University as it implements the 2022-2027 Long-Range Plan.

Key Performance Indicators

The measurable goals were developed collaboratively by the Missouri State-West Plains Administrative Council, the office of the president, and the Board of Governors. These goals are not intended to be static. The University will review these goals each year when it unveils its annual action plan. Should the University achieve a measurable goal, the University may set a new goal or refocus. Likewise, if achievement of a goal becomes improbable, the University should explain the reasons for not meeting the goal and establish a new goal or goals that the University has a realistic opportunity to achieve.

  • Completions
  • Three-Year Graduation/Transfer Rate for First-Time Full-Time Students Freshmen
  • Enrollment
  • Persistence

KPIs without Goals 

  • Number of Partnerships
  • Experiential Learning Opportunities
  • Employee retention and satisfaction