Friends of the Garnett Library

Formed in 1992 shortly after the opening of the Garnett Library, the Friends organization
is a valuable link between the community and the University in helping to raise awareness
of the services offered by the library and its needs. Members work diligently to ensure
the necessary resources are available and the study and computer spaces are updated
to assist students with learning and faculty with teaching.
A new era of learning is sweeping the nation, marked by collaborative, lifelong learning
and online research. Future libraries, including the heart of the university like
the Garnett Library, will operate differently, incorporating more technology and active
learning spaces.
The Friends are leading the charge to propel Garnett Library into this new era, fostering
an environment that promotes research and learning. The first phase of transformation
is already complete—featuring compact shelving, improved electrical and internet access,
and collaborative learning centers. Future enhancements may include updated furniture
and other changes.
Friends of the Garnett Library members support and promote the Garnett Library of
Missouri State University-West Plains. The purpose of the organization is to:
- Encourage understanding and appreciation of the importance of the college library
- Promote awareness of the educational role of the library to the future development
of the college and the community
- Support and cooperate with the college library in developing library services and
facilities for the academic community
- Attract bequests, endowments, gifts of books, manuscripts, money and other appropriate
materials beyond the resources of the library budget and
- Lend legislative support where needed
- From 1992 through the end of June 2023, over $454,000 in new books, resource materials,
furnishings, computers and other equipment have been purchased for the Garnett Library
thanks to the fundraising efforts of Friends of the Garnett Library and private donations.
- In its very first year, the Friends group provided the Garnett Library with its first
Infotrac computer station and database for finding articles electronically.
- Computer servers and electronic databases acquired by Friends resulted in the first
instance of 24/7 library service on the West Plains campus providing access to these
services from the library, faculty offices and residence hall.
- A major book fund campaign initiated by the Friends group in 1997-1998 brought in
over $110,000 in donations; plaques displayed in the Garnett Library recognize the
donors who participated at different giving levels.
- The number of books in the Garnett Library grew from approximately 15,500 volumes
in 1993 to over 40,000 in 2010.
- In addition to new book purchases, Friends members continually raise awareness of
the Garnett Library's needs, resulting in the donation of hundreds of books, CD's,
DVD's and other resource materials from area residents each year.
- A rare books collection was established in the Garnett Library in 2000 thanks to the
generosity of Friends Lifetime member Dr. Stanton Morrison.
The Friends of the Garnett Library Fashion Show is held twice annually in the fall
and spring.

Please help by pledging your support or making a donation to the Friends of the Garnett
Library. A link to make a secure online gift through the Missouri State University Foundation is provided below. Select the "Friends of the Garnett Library" option to make your
gift to this project.