Missouri State University-West Plains is a public, two-year, open admission, separately accredited campus of the Missouri State University system. It is a campus that values intellectual dialogue and free speech. It is a campus that promotes its values widely and makes these values known publicly through the Course Catalog, as well as a number of publications and websites that include:
- Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities
- Expressive Activity Policy
- Missouri State University Ethics Hotline
- Faculty Handbook
- Employee Handbook
- Non-Discrimination Policy
For student issues, a number of relevant sections from these documents are presented in this document to help the reader conveniently find and be aware of our institutional policies on freedom of expression. It is also important to know that a mechanism exists to allow a student to raise concerns including free speech, censorship, restrictive perspectives, or abuse of intellectual authority. Simply stated, a student with an academic concern should express that concern to the faculty member. If the issue is not resolved, the student should immediately share that concern with the division chair in an effort to reach a resolution. If resolution at this level is not successful, the student should then present his/her concern to the dean of academic affairs. If the issue remains unresolved, the student may take the concern to the chancellor. A student may always contact the Affirmative Action Liaison for assistance. Faculty and staff may also refer to the appropriate information and citations contained in this document and the documents listed above.
Specific citations from referenced documents appear in the following sections for your convenience.
Declaration of University Community Principles
Preamble: A University is a community whose common purpose is the creation, preservation, and sharing of knowledge. -
Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities
1.2 Federal and State constitutional guarantees of free inquiry, expression, and assembly are specifically restated as guarantees on this campus.
1.3 Students are free to pursue their educational goals and to have appropriate opportunities for learning in the classroom and on the campus as shall be provided by the University.
1.6 Discussion and expression of all views relevant to the subject matter is permitted in the classroom subject only to the responsibility of the instructor to maintain order and a climate conducive to learning, within the stated goals and purposes of the University.
1.7 All students shall have the right to be protected from prejudiced academic evaluations unrelated to academic performance based on the student’s views, opinions, political associations, organizational memberships, or the instructor’s biases based on the character of the student. Furthermore, all students shall have the right to appeal a grade to the instructor, the division chair and the dean of academic affairs.
1.8 Discussion and expression not inconsistent with the laws of the State and the United States, and in the manner, time, and place prescribed by University policy, are permitted within the institution. Support of any cause by orderly means is permitted, subject to the paramount rights of the University, the safety and rights of individuals, the protection of property, and the continuity of the educational process.
1.9 The University encourages expression of informative and differing viewpoints on issues and will support the presence on the campus of responsible persons representing various views. The University reserves the right to specify the conditions of time, place, and manner of speakers through the University Public Forum Policy.
Expressive Activity Policy
All individuals may exercise the right of assembly, free speech and expression throughout the outdoor areas of campus, when doing so does not disrupt the academic mission or daily University functions. Accordingly, Missouri State University-West Plains will be governed by the Expressive Activity Policy (https://www.missouristate.edu/Policy/Chapter5/G5_02_expressiveactivity.htm) that governs the Missouri State University Springfield campus. On the West Plains campus, the following three locations are most appropriate for forums, rallies, demonstrations and other similar activities:
- The outdoor, concrete basketball and recreation area adjacent to the Student Recreation Center and Grizzly House residence hall;
- The grassy area between Looney Hall and Garnett Library and
- The open, grassy area west of and adjacent to Gohn Hall.
Individuals are not restricted to these locations for expressive activities. Priority to use these locations will be as follows:
- Members of the University community with a reservation
- Other individuals or groups with a reservation
- Members of the University community without a reservation on a first-come, first-serve basis
- Other individuals or groups without a reservation on a first-come, first-serve basis
Any individual may reserve one of these locations through the office of student life and development (128 Garfield Ave., (417) 255-7233). Forums, rallies, demonstrations and other similar expressive activities conducted by individuals and groups that are not members of the University community must be registered with the office of student life and development. The University encourages everyone to coordinate with the office of student life and development before conducting expressive activity on campus so appropriate arrangements can be made. The identified public forum locations are available for use or reservation by non-University individuals and groups. Access to the identified public forum locations is provided on a content neutral basis. Any denial of access will specify the reasons for which registration is denied and offer an appeal procedure.
Due Process
A University is a community with a broad based constituency and the opportunity for divergent opinions. As such, there is a possibility for conflict and disagreement. Due process is carefully identified in each respective policy to allow for the thoughtful and appropriate resolution to the disagreement or conflict. This process allows for civil discussion and various levels of appeal to individuals with the authority and responsibility for reaching a decision on issues.