Nursing School Entrance Exam Schedule

Reserve a Seat for the Exam

1. It is highly recommended that you contact the Admissions Coordinator-Academic Advisor in the Nursing Admissions office BEFORE scheduling a test to get preparatory advisement, ensure you have an eligible application, and see if you need to take the test for the current application cycle. You can rach the Nursing Academic Advisor at 417-255-7245 or at

2. To register for the exam, please go to the MSU-WP Nursing Admissions Test page. Follow testing Service's instructions to schedule your ATI TEAS exam. 

4. You may take the ATI TEAS Exam two times within an application cycle, and the best exam will be used.

Exam Location and Cost

The test is given at the MSU-West Plains Testing Center located in the lower level of Lybyer Room 108. The cost is $90.00.  Please call MSU-WP Testing Center at 417-255-7943 if you have any questions.

Required Benchmarks

Please see the Ranking Score Computation for the required benchmarks that must be met and score points associated with this exam. These points will be part of the competitive ranking score for the nursing application. Nursing entrance exam scores are valid for five years.