CIS 101 (Computers for Learning) Exam
Missouri State University-West Plains students wishing to earn course credit for CIS 101
For the convenience of our students, a CIS 101 exam is offered by Missouri State University-West Plains for students who are proficient in the use of computers, including the use of operating systems, email, surfing the Web, word processor software, desktop publishing, spreadsheet software and database management software. This testing provides scores for CIS 101 course credit at Missouri State University-West Plains.
Offered by appointment. Contact Testing Services to make an appointment.
On the date of the test bring the following items:
- Missouri driver's licenses or non-driver ID and credit card
Contact Information:
Testing Services
Hours of Operation:
9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Proctored Exams
Please contact Testing Services to schedule an appointment.